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Printed Products


Printed products have a minimum of $25 per order (mix and match)


Photographic Prints

4 x 6 Print $5
5 x 7 Print $8
8 x 10 Print $12
11 x 14 Print $25
16 x 20 Print $75
20 x 30 Print $150


Canvas Prints

8 x 10 Canvas $215
11 x 14 Canvas $275
16 x 20 Canvas $375
20 x 30 Canvas $550


Leather Album

12 x 12 Album $1600



• Please allow 5-10 business days for Photographic and Canvas Prints.
• Please allow 4-8 weeks for Leather Albums once layout is approved (includes up to 1 revision).
• Other products and dimensions are also available; please inquire for a specific quote.
• Tax, shipping and any other requests outside of the scope of the project will be billed additionally.



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